Can ferrets eat cat food?

It is always best to feed a high-quality, balanced ferret kibble as this will be designed with their species-specific nutritional needs in mind. Although cats and ferrets are both obligate carnivores (high levels of meat protein are essential), there are some differences in their dietary requirements too. Ferrets have a very short digestive tract and need diets that are very high protein and low fibre. Many cat foods can have the incorrect balance between protein and fibre, which could lead to health problems longer-term.

Do ferrets smell?

Ferrets produce a musky smell from the scent glands in their skin. This is one of the ways that they communicate with each other and can be minimised with proper hygiene and grooming. Ferrets don’t like living in a smelly house either! You can train ferrets to use a litter tray, which should be cleaned out daily. The rest of their cage should be cleaned out on a weekly basis, at a minimum. You can use a pet-safe cleaning and deodorising spray, such as our Keep it Clean in lemon or lavender from our Tiny Friends Farm range, but this does not replace regular cleaning. Some owners bathe their ferrets, but this should not be done too regularly as it can upset their natural oil production and lead to skin complaints. Only use specially designed ferret shampoos recommended by your local pet retailer.

Should ferrets be kept in pairs?

Most ferrets will be happier kept in pairs or small groups, and ferrets who were littermates or have grown up together can form very strong bonds. Some individuals prefer to be housed alone, especially if they have grown up without other ferrets for company. However, they will need a lot of interaction with their owner as they can become stressed from lack of socialising.

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