Open Access Rabbit CPD

Our specialist content includes rabbit anaesthesia, elective surgery, gut stasis, syringe feeding, mobility disorders, rabbit dentistry, emergency rabbit medicine, soft tissue surgery, pancreatitis, monitoring techniques in the anaesthetised rabbit, neurological examination, nutritional strategies for the geriatric rabbit, rabbit respiratory problems, endoscopy, nutrition, calcium metabolism and urinary disease, dental abscess, knee pathology, rabbits and calcium, sticky bottom syndrome in rabbits, interpreting x-rays.

Accredited by Vetpol

All our CPD is accredited by Vetpol click here to find out more.


Exotic Resources

Our practice resources can help to support you in rabbit consults, diagnosis, care and treatment.

A woman holding a rabbit in a field

Proud sponsors of Molly Varga

BVetMed CertZooMed DZooMed (Mammalian) MRCVS

Head of specialist exotic pets service at Rutlland House Referral Hospital

A man holding a ferret

Proud Sponsors of Charly Pignon

Head of Exotics Medicine Service

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vétérinaire d’Alfort, France

Two people standing in front of a Lago Learn banner

Proud sponsors of Lagolearn

Helping veterinary professionals raise the standard of rabbit care in line with that of pet dogs and cats, both in the UK and internationally.

Dr Ivan Crotaz MRVCS
Jo Hinde RVN

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If you’ve got a question, get your answer here. Ask us about our brands and products, and get all the information you need to make a nutritional recommendation with confidence.