Do gerbils hibernate?

Gerbils do not hibernate. However, if they become too cold, they can enter a hibernation-like state to try and conserve their energy. This should be avoided, but if it occurs you should contact your veterinary practice for advice on how to safely warm up your pet.

How often should gerbils be cleaned out?

Gerbil cages or tanks should be cleaned out weekly, although if you keep more than 2 together this might need doing more regularly. We recommend using a pet-safe cleaning product such as our Keep it Clean in lemon or lavender from our Tiny Friends Farm range. You can also keep the cage environment fresher by removing any visibly soiled bedding during spot cleans, but this should not replace the thorough weekly clean.

What do gerbils like to eat?

Gerbils are omnivores, like mice, rats and hamsters. This means they need plenty of protein to keep them fit and healthy. They actually need a bit less protein than hamsters, but more than rats and mice, which is why it’s important to feed a high-quality diet formulated for the right species.

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