We all want our pets to live long and happy lives, so choose Selective, tailored nutrition to help support your pet’s digestive health and vitality for all life stages and lifestyles.
Supreme has worked closely with leading professionals to bring you Recovery, RecoveryPlus and VetCarePlus: nutritionally targeted diets to help combat commonly presented health problems in rabbits and guinea pigs.
While rabbits do eat carrots and enjoy them, it is best to avoid giving too much. This is because carrots contain higher sugar levels than other vegetables and this can be detrimental to dental health. Sugary foods can also upset a rabbit’s digestive system, causing loose motions that become stuck around the back end. If this happens then the rabbit may also become prone to fly strike, which can be a serious condition requiring urgent veterinary care. One benefit of carrots is that they offer opportunities to chew and this is an essential activity for rabbits because of their constantly growing teeth. Hay is a better substrate for chewing as it provides long fibre and promotes digestive health. Fruit tree branches are also ideal for chewing and preferable to giving carrots.
Guinea pigs need the company of another guinea pig to keep them happy – they play together and snuggle up together and will often ‘talk’ to each other. Keep them as pairs or in small groups. Two or three males can often be housed together if they have enough space and no females close by. Females will often get along with other females in groups of two or three or even more. If a female and a male are kept together the male should be neutered to avoid breeding.
In light coated or white rabbits, it is relatively easy to spot fleas – they are 1-2mm long, black in colour and fast moving. Fleas don’t spend a lot of time on the rabbit though so even if your rabbit is suffering with fleas, you might not always see a live flea – especially if your pet has a dark coat. Flea dirt is easier to spot – this looks like small dark granules, which, when placed on wet, white kitchen towel appears reddish brown (since flea dirt contains dried blood). Hair loss and scratching can indicate your rabbit has fleas but sometimes no signs are seen until the flea infestation is quite serious. Regularly grooming your rabbit gives you a great opportunity to check for parasites such as fleas. Always use a flea treatment that is suitable for rabbits – your vet can provide you with advice about treatment and future prevention.
Our Science Selective range is recommended by vets and loved by pets. Make sure you are stocking out most popular small pet food and treats to meet the needs of small pet owners shopping in your store.