Whether you already have pet rabbits or are just starting out, it can be confusing working out what they need for their perfect home. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the top five essential things your rabbits (indoors and outdoors) need to be happy and healthy.

Rabbit Home Ronnietheminilop

Image Credit @ronnietheminilop

1. A roomy rabbit hutch and run

Historically, many rabbits have been kept in small hutches without much space to stretch, run and play. Luckily, we now have a much better understanding of their needs.

An open indoor rabbit cage or outdoor hutch can be a great ‘bed’ for rabbits to sleep in, but they shouldn’t be shut in one for any significant period of time, whether they’re indoors or outdoors; they should always have enough space to stretch, jump and stand up fully on their back legs, without their ears touching the roof. The minimum recommended space for a sleeping enclosure for a standard size pair of rabbits is 3 metres by 2 metres, with a height of 1 metre1, but a larger enclosure is always appreciated.

So, if an outdoor or indoor rabbit hutch alone isn’t ideal, what should their sleeping space look like? Indoors, a ‘rabbit-proofed’ room is often the best option, while outside sheds and playhouses are increasingly popular. For both indoor and outdoor rabbits, it’s essential to make sure that, whatever option you choose, it’s secure, safe from predators (including those that can dig), and weatherproof – in the summer as well as the winter.

Alongside their core enclosure, it’s recommended that rabbits always have access to a larger secure run to exercise and explore, allowing them to express their natural behaviours.

Setting up your rabbits’ hutch and run can be an investment, but it’s a key part of your pets’ wellbeing.

Not sure if you can keep guinea pigs and rabbits in the same run? In the past, it was not uncommon to keep guinea pigs and rabbits together. However, they behave and communicate very differently, meaning they’re best kept apart with companions of their own species.

2. Cosy bedding

Whatever the season, your rabbits will need plenty of soft, comfy bedding in their sleeping area, whether that is an indoor rabbit cage or hutch. Non-toxic, absorbent, low-dust bedding is a priority – and it needs to be safe if one of your rabbits decides to take a nibble, too!

For a sustainable, ethically sourced option why not check out our Tiny Friends Farm Eco Bedding? Made from surplus paper, it’s soft on paws while controlling odours and avoiding dust, and it’s also fully compostable.

Eco Bedding Guinea Pig

3. Hideaways, and plenty of them…

We know we’d never let any harm come to our fluffy friends, but as a prey species rabbits can easily feel threatened and become distressed. It’s easy to assume rabbits are calm when they’re stressed as they often freeze rather than vocalising or showing other signs like a cat or dog. However, providing them with the option of hiding rather than simply freezing can significantly reduce their stress levels – even if the only thing they’re hiding from is the sound of a door closing!

In addition to their rabbit hutch, it’s important any hideaways you offer are safe if chewed and stable enough to avoid injury. Offering a range of bridges, tunnels and other shelters throughout your rabbit’s run can help keep them relaxed and stress free.

Have you seen rabbits snuggling or playing with cats and dogs? Videos of rabbits with their non-rabbit friends can easily go viral, but the truth is that most rabbits will be stressed (and often try to hide) if they see or hear potential predators, so it’s best to keep them away.

4. Pet-safe cleaning supplies

The work doesn’t stop once you’ve set up your rabbits’ home. While rabbits are typically clean pets – and can be surprisingly quick to learn their way around a litter tray – their rabbit hutch, run and indoor rabbit cage will still need regular cleaning. Rabbits can have sensitive stomachs and skin, so it’s important to use a pet-safe cleaner such as our Keep it Clean spray in their living areas. It’s not only safe for small pets but also helps to protect against bacteria and reduce odours, all with a fresh lavender or lemon scent.

5. Boredom busters

Finally, it’s time for the fun part – picking out some rabbit toys and chews to help keep your pet pal occupied (and away from any furniture!).

A healthy diet based on fibre-rich hay is the main way to keep rabbits’ teeth worn down, but many also enjoy pet-safe chews including specific types of untreated wood, plain cardboard and bamboo. It’s important to bear in mind that with their sensitive stomachs, they shouldn’t be eating these chews, and it’s always best to pick products designed to be safe for rabbits to avoid any mishaps.

Alongside chews, some tasty treats will help any rabbit feel at home. Whether you get them foraging for some delicious dandelion and rosehip Selective Naturals Woodland Loops, or hang up some crunchy carrot and broccoli Tiny Friends Stickles for them to nibble, rabbits appreciate a little treat just as much as we do.

Other options for enrichment include boxes, balls and even a tray of clean soil for digging – switching out different items for your rabbits to explore is a great way to keep them entertained.


If you’ve got your rabbits’ hutch and run set up with everything above, you’re well on the way to having some very happy rabbits. And of course, fresh water and a balanced diet based on fibre-rich hay is critical for your rabbits’ health. Why not check out our blog on the Top 3 Food Choices and Diets For Your Rabbit to find out more?


1. PDSA, 2024.